Coming Up


2012/13 season



SEASON 2012/13 STARTS on

Sunday 12th August for all P1 to P7 10.00 to 11.30 at Union Park.

Please remember your medical and membership forms.


Thursday 24 January 2008

Matches with Strathmore

There has been a slight change of plan and we will be kicking off at 10.30. Can all players please be at the club around 10.00?

We will try to field 2 teams at each age group and Strathmore is bringing the same. There will be two pitches for each age group.

Each team will play 3 matches and each game will be just one session (not two halves). We will play 8 minute matches for the Micros, 12 minutes for the P4/5s and 15 minutes for the P6/7’s. There will be a 5 minute break between matches and rolling subs, if we have any. With this plan, the Micros should be finished around 11.05, the P4/5s 11.15 and the P6/7s 11.25.

Needless to say, we will need a lot of coaches for the day and all parents are encouraged to speak to the coaches if they can help coordinate matches, players etc.

The weather looks as if it will be warm but windy.

Sunday 13 January 2008

Training is on today!

We have decided to go ahead with training this morning. The frost has all melted, the wind seems to have dies down and there hopefully the rain has blown through. Please make sure that everyone is well wrapped up.

See you at 10.00.