Coming Up


2012/13 season



SEASON 2012/13 STARTS on

Sunday 12th August for all P1 to P7 10.00 to 11.30 at Union Park.

Please remember your medical and membership forms.


Tuesday 9 December 2008

Rugby First aid course - Sat 10th Jan 2009

We have managed to organise a Rugby first aid course for Sat 10th Jan 2009 all day (9.30 to 12.30 /1.00pm to 4pm.) in the club house.

The course will be run by Angie Mutch who is a qualified nurse and social worker. She was also a paramedic in the army and travels abroad to teach first aid to kids in deprived areas. She will issue first aid certificates at the end of the course (only if you know what to do!!!!) and will also do refreshers if we need them later in the year.

The course will consist of CPR for babies/kids /adults, general fractures, head injuries, neck injuries, studding(!) and the last hour will de dedicated to sports injuries.

It’s open to all coaches, parents and adult players and will be free to all who attend. .
All you need to bring is a packed lunch, wear comfy clothing that’s ok to get dirty and have a sense of humor!

Can you please get back to Caroline asap to reserve a place. Either on this email or phone: 01674 830763

Sunday 7 December 2008

Christmas Party

Montrose Sports Centre was filled with 70 players and siblings for our Christmas party. The afternoon started with a range of games with seven teams being led by coaches. There was everything from relays to coaches showing their competence with a hula hoop!

Players were then presented with a vast spread of food and drinks, provided by club families. Thanks to everyone who supported the day.

Foundation Course

We are looking to arrange an SRU Foundation coaching and refereeing course early in 2009. This will be for mums and dads and no previous knowledge of rugby is required.

Everyone who has completed the foundation course has enjoyed it. Please be assured that by doing this course, you are not signing up to coaching every week! The club will fund this course and if anyone is interested, please get in touch with Duncan or Caroline.

New Kitchen - Sat 27th / Sun 28th December 2008

The plans for the new kitchen are now coming together and we are intending to do the work over the weekend of 27th and 28th December. Donna Merino is coordinating everything and has secured the services of plumbers, joiners, builders and electricians along with materials (at no cost to the club).

As well as help over the weekend, we could still do with more cabinets and appliances. If you know of anyone stripping out a kitchen and has cabinets, an electric cooker or fridge going spare, please contact Donna on 01674 830048 or